
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2018

Rubrik penilaian

·            Rubrik Penilaian A.     Content : Isi/Pesan   1. Very good Pesan dipaparkan sesuai permintaan   25   2. Good Pesan dipaparkan dengan sedikit perubahan   20   3. Fair Pesan dipaparkan kurang sesuai dengan permintaan   15   4. Poor Pesan yang di paparkan berbeda dengan permintaan   10 B.     Grammatical points : Tata Bahasa :   1. Very good Tata bahasa yang digunakan sesuai kaidah dan efektif 25   2. Good Tata bahasa yang digunakan sesuai kaidah tetapi kurang efektif 20   3. Fair Tata bahasa yang digunakan cukup sesuai kaidah tetapi tidak efektif 15   4. Poor Tata bahasa yang digunakan tidak sesuai kai


Question for group and individuals 1. Make a group of at least 2 people, then make a announcement that in the your community. Done in the padlet afterwards it is presentations in front of the group class! 2. make announcement with free themes, individually and done in the padlet.

materi announcement kelas X

Materi Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas X   Announcement,message,personal letters   Announcement Announcement is   something said, written, or printed which is containing information about an event that has happened or is going to happen. The purpose is informing something to public. Announcement can be spoken (oral) or written.   Spoken announcement usually begins with saying “ATTENTION, PLEASE” or anything like that. In spoken announcement, you should speak clearly so that the targeted people can easily understand it. Besides, the information should be short and simple . While, Written announcement usually begins with the tittle or for whom the announcement is written. Example of written announcement : To: all students of class 7A The speaking test will be held on: Day: Tuesday Date: September 4, 2012 Time: 07.00 - 09.30 Place: media room For the further information, you can call 081-88-32. Thanks for your attention. Mr.

Example of announcement


Material of announcement

   Material of Announcement   Definition about Announcement text Announcement text is a text that describes a notification about an event that will be held, and is more for the general audience does not like the text that is specific Invitation.         Purpose of Announcement text The purpose is to inform the announcement text information about an event, job vacancies, new enrollment, new admissions, and so on.   Announcement Characteristics       Here are some of the features that there are announcements.   There is a title or type of event. Using simple present tense or can also use simple future tense. Using a conjunction. There is a date, time and place at the announcement. There is an address and contact person.   There are events or events. Types of Announcement Here are some types of announcements. Announcement of missing people.              Obituary. Weddings, birthdays, inaugurations and births.   Winner announcement. Job vacancy. A